About the
Lake Cathie Progress Association
The LCPA is a dynamic and enthusiastic non-political, not for profit organisation with a mission to act in the best interests of the Lake Cathie Community.
The LCPA helps manage the unique character and environment of Lake Cathie and is passionate about promoting Tourism and Economic Activity within the local area.
The LCPA Membership Base consists of Family Members and Business Members who support Lake Cathie.
We welcome you
Given Lake Cathie is a Community, it is vital that the people of Lake Cathie are kept well informed and up to date of local issues that effect their lives and businesses. It is also imperative that the Community has the opportunity to voice their opinions.
The LCPA with its core values and beliefs are committed to keeping the community informed, and welcome community consultation and opinions.
The LCPA committee is made up entirely of a group of volunteers who regularly meet with the Port Macquarie Hastings Council (PMHC) to provide community feedback on projects that are important to the people of the Lake Cathie Community.
The LCPA relies totally on Membership Fees and Advertising to fund its ongoing operations, and we are committed to increasing our membership base to ensure that Facebook and the Website are maintained for the benefit of the local community.
We encourage you to join the LCPA now and welcome your input into how we can continue to improve this wonderful community.
Committee Members
The following people were elected to the Late Cathie Progress Association Committee at the AGM held on Tuesday 17th May, 2022:
- PRESIDENT: Wendy Dunn
- SECRETARY: Marcella Morena
- TREASURER: Elizabeth Cunningham
- COMMITTEE: Kylie Brown, Carla Gemmell, Lezlie Williams